
Django app for customizing response

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Welcome to django-success-response Documentation

django-success-response is an extension for Django REST Framework (DRF) that standardizes success and error responses in your API views. This package simplifies handling responses by providing a consistent structure for success and error cases, making it easier to maintain and understand the API response format.

Key Features

Why Use django-success-response?

In a typical Django REST Framework project, handling success and error responses can become repetitive and inconsistent. django-success-response helps to address this by providing a standard format for all responses.

Using this package, you can:

Table of Contents


To get started with django-success-response, install it via pip:

pip install django-success-response

Once installed, you can begin using it in your Django views.

Basic Example

After installation, you can easily integrate SuccessResponse into your views. Here’s a simple example:

from success_response.response import SuccessResponse
from rest_framework.views import APIView

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(request):
        data = {'key': 'value'}
        return SuccessResponse(data)

This will return a standardized success response like:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "key": "value"

Error Response

If you need to return an error response, simply set success=False and provide a detailed error message:

from success_response.response import SuccessResponse
from rest_framework.views import APIView

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(request):
        data = {'detail': 'error'}
        return SuccessResponse(data, success=False)

This will return an error response:

    "success": false,
    "result": {
        "detail": "error"

For more advanced usage, check out the Usage page.

Error Handling

To automatically format all error responses using the SuccessResponse structure, configure the EXCEPTION_HANDLER in your Django file:

    'EXCEPTION_HANDLER': 'success_response.views.success_exception_handler'

This will ensure that all exceptions in your DRF views are formatted consistently.

Generic Views and ViewSets

django-success-response also provides customized versions of DRF’s generic views and viewsets. These views automatically return responses in the SuccessResponse format, saving you time and effort.

Standard View Success Equivalent
CreateAPIView SuccessCreateAPIView
RetrieveAPIView SuccessRetrieveAPIView
UpdateAPIView SuccessUpdateAPIView
DestroyAPIView SuccessDestroyAPIView
ListAPIView SuccessListAPIView
RetrieveUpdateAPIView SuccessRetrieveUpdateAPIView
RetrieveDestroyAPIView SuccessRetrieveDestroyAPIView
RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView SuccessRetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView
ModelViewSet SuccessModelViewSet
ReadOnlyModelViewSet SuccessReadOnlyModelViewSet

These views behave like their DRF counterparts but automatically format responses using SuccessResponse.


If you need help or have any questions, feel free to contact us at ```

Explanation of Sections:

  1. Introduction: A brief description of the package and its purpose.
  2. Key Features: Lists the core features of the package, focusing on standardization and simplicity.
  3. Why Use django-success-response?: Explains the problem the package solves and the benefits it brings.
  4. Table of Contents: Links to different sections of the documentation for easy navigation.
  5. Installation: Provides simple steps to install the package via pip.
  6. Basic Example: A code example demonstrating how to use the package to return a success response.
  7. Error Response: Shows how to handle error responses using the package.
  8. Error Handling: Explains how to globally handle exceptions in DRF using the package’s handler.
  9. Generic Views and ViewSets: Highlights the convenience of using the customized DRF views and viewsets that automatically use the success response format.
  10. Documentation: Lists links to other important sections in the documentation.
  11. Contact Info: Provides a way for users to reach out for help or queries.

This structured approach ensures users get a clear understanding of the package and how to use it effectively in their Django projects.