
Django app for customizing response

View the Project on GitHub QuvonchbekBobojonov/django-success-response


To install django-success-response, follow these simple steps:

1. Install via pip

You can easily install the django-success-response package using pip:

pip install django-success-response

This command will install the package and all its dependencies.

2. Add to Installed Apps

Once the package is installed, you need to add success_response to your INSTALLED_APPS in your Django project’s file:

    # Other apps

3. Configure Django REST Framework

django-success-response extends Django REST Framework’s response handling. To ensure that error responses are formatted consistently, you can update your Django settings to use the custom exception handler provided by the package.

In your, add or update the following configuration:

    'EXCEPTION_HANDLER': 'success_response.views.success_exception_handler',

This will ensure that all error responses are formatted in the SuccessResponse structure.

4. Optional: Customizing Response Structure

By default, SuccessResponse wraps the response data with a success field and a result field. You can customize this behavior by modifying the response structure in your views or global settings as needed.